Contact Us

951 Circus Boulevard

Sarasota, FL 34232

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Sarasota Upcoming Invitationals

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Enjoy Year-round Bowling

SLBC’s beautiful new green is located ½ mile South of the entrance to the Bobby Jones Golf Course, a few minutes drive from downtown Sarasota. Bowlers and non-bowlers alike are invited to visit and enjoy a game of bowls. And if desired, a quick lesson!


The warm and friendly atmosphere of SLBC’s active and energetic community has been maintained through the pandemic and relocation to the new site. The club continues to attract locals, snowbirds and day guests from a wide variety of backgrounds, and from locations both domestic and international. The social side is very important to our members.


Visit SLBC’s website for details on bowling times, lessons, and free bowling for new players.


The members of SLBC look forward to your visit.